Loyalty for Travel
Loyalty for Telecommunications
Loyalty for Banking
Loyalty for Insurance
Loyalty for Airports
We are excited to inform you that Comarch Loyalty Cloud (CLC), our robust yet affordable cloud-based platform for designing, running, and managing immersive loyalty programs, has recently been updated!
The COVID-19 pandemic has fuelled even more dynamic growth in AI tools and their applications in fields as varied as remote health monitoring, suspicious money transfer identification, and preventive alerts ahead of telecommunications failure.
We are proud to announce that at this year's Hewlett Packard Enterprise Partner Summit, Comarch won first prize in the "Biggest Sales in the As-a-Service Model" category.
Angelini Holding S.p.A, part of the industrial group of the same name, which operates mainly in the pharmaceutical and consumer goods sectors, is constantly working towards the future and seeking the best solutions in the fields of innovation
We are pleased to inform you that Comarch has been included in the recent “Now Tech: Loyalty Marketing, Q4 2020” report by Forrester, one of the world’s leading market research companies
AI tools help build and develop medical market sectors such as test result analysis, telediagnosis, and medical data processing.
The coronavirus pandemic has, as you would expect, caused significant changes in the retail market.
Sammontana S.p.A. is an iconic Italian brand and leader in the production of ice cream and frozen pastries production. In addition, it is in charge of the TreMarie, Il Pasticcere, Mongelo and Bon Chef brands.