New marketing campaigns launched in BP Poland thanks to Comarch Loyalty Management
A month after the implementation of the new version of Comarch
Loyalty Management, BP Poland introduced new marketing techniques
related to CRM.
The Comarch Loyalty Management system
implemented at BP Poland gave the compay new ways to reach customers.
One is a special voucher printed at the time of purchase used to
present individualized offers to customers. In addition to text, the
vouchers contain graphic elements, such as the company's logo, to
attract the customer's attention. To get promotional points the
customers have to buy an additional product or a product that is
different from the one they usually purchase. This condition is stated
on the printout.
- These cross and up-selling campaigns should help the
company increase the profitability of the business, in the context of
already existing customers. BP invested in new printers which face
customers at the cashier. As a result, even multiple CRM campaigns
launched simultaneously will not cause an extra burden for the
station’s personnel. The printers will be used both for the printing of
the CRM vouchers as well as the printing of all other loyalty system
information - says Piotr Dziurzyński, Sales Department Director, Comarch SA.
BP Poland has been using the Comarch Loyalty Management system for over
six years. These modules, processing a wide range of services related
to conducting a loyalty program, have been implemented in the company,
including in the logistics and Call Center area.
CRM techniques are increasingly being used in Western Europe
and in the United States, however on the Polish market, there have not
been many promotional campaigns of this kind. Yet, a change in this
area might occur very quickly, considering that the domestic retail
market is perceived by international concerns as one of the most
important and most promising ones in Eastern Europe. Furthermore, these
first signs of change are already visible.