Learn to further improve your data efficiency
using the extended features of Comarch MDM
Exceed the limits of product data sharing to gain a competitive advantage
Exceed the limits of product data sharing to gain a competitive advantage
Comarch Master Data Management allows companies to effectively optimize their product data sharing processes in the entire supply chain. The data itself can be exchanged both via the GDSN network or directly between data providers and recipients. In practice, however, only the second scenario enables a set of advanced functionalities that provide data-driven enterprises with a competitive advantage.
By using an MDM solution delivered by a single technology provider, both data sources and data recipients can gain additional benefits resulting from global interoperability and enhanced business performance. Plus, each group gets instant access to an environment that can be easily configured to fit their needs.
Using the Comarch-to-Comarch model allows users to drive better business results thanks to an offer tool based on the call for tenders and referencing requests functionalities. Data recipients can use them to gather information about the products available on the market, while suppliers can include more of their products in their partner’s offers, as well as inform them about articles that are about to hit the market.
Market research and collection of offers
Our system enables buyers to send inquiries, collect and manage product offers, as well as find specific products in the directory encompassing all trading partners. Once a query is sent to those suppliers who use Comarch MDM about a particular product group, they can respond by informing buyers about which products they can provide.
An inquiry can be created for a particular product or a group of products. And because our solution allows users to compare the suppliers' proposals easily, the entire decision process is significantly improved.
The exchange of complete product cards - including the prices
Thanks to responses sent by suppliers in the call for tenders process, a retailer will be able to choose products that meet their requirements best - and then, a referencing request will be created.
Later on, in response to that request, a retailer will receive a complete product card that will include much more detailed information on a given product, including the price.
All of the modern standards, regulations, and policies - as well as our needs and objectives - affect the way we do business. Comarch follows this philosophy by providing an advanced, flexible platform that can be customized to meet any product data management needs. Thus, Comarch MDM makes it possible to address any requirement that is crucial to maintaining good business relations with all partners.
Of course, one fixed solution cannot fit all companies' needs - especially when it comes to data verification and various approval processes that are different for each organization.
Thus, we offer a flexible workflow engine that enables any retailer to individually define vendor and product data approval processes. This can be specified by a particular set of attributes and then executed simultaneously in several departments or in a particular order.
Comarch MDM allows users to apply dedicated validation rules in line with their customer’s needs. Therefore, they can verify any parameter and its compliance with the company's business requirements.
Validations that are against the retailer’s expectations can be introduced on the data source side. It means that data providers are requested to complete the fields required by the retailer and that the recipients will receive precisely the information they need - presented in a correct format and structure.
Comarch MDM provides buyers with an opportunity to enrich and refine item records whenever product data provided by the source does not include information required by data recipients’ internal systems (e.g. internal product codes, custom attributes). Thus, our product allows them to easily complete all the missing elements.
Comprehensive management of the process of integration and communication with business partners carried out by Comarch specialists in accordance with the assumed schedule.
Comarch’s multi-lingual, highly experienced Service Desk team provides practical support while maintaining the highest quality of standards.
Experienced managers are being assigned to specific projects so they could supervise every stage of the implementation process - the initiation, preparation, execution, and finalization - and make sure that the end configuration meets your company's needs.