Chain Store Management

The manager of a trade network must often respond to essential questions concerning the process of stock replenishment in stores, for example:
How many items should be ordered? How many need to be moved to particular stores? How often should item stock be replenished in those stores? Where should overstocked items be stored?
Answers to those questions should be generated by the IT system, which will simultaneously automate the processes so that stock levels of individual units are constantly controlled and managed.
The use of Comarch Retail platform enables clear management of the chain store, item allocation and replenishment. As a result of optimising warehouse processes, it is possible to, for example, reduce costs related to the transport and storing of items.

Stock level management

Comarch Retail system enables convenient and simple management of stock levels. It is possible to schedule, estimate and order items directly in the system. The extensive support for the Item Quantity Calculation functionality, stock level and order management is effective and clear. Each routine process performed in a company can be automated to ensure optimal stock level by automatically generating appropriate orders for selected vendors.


The advanced mechanisms of Comarch Retail allow item processing in stores to be carried out automatically. When receiving a large delivery, changing a collection or opening a new store, the system provides support in determining optimal quantities of items which must be moved to appropriate stores. Automation of processes can be performed, e.g. with the use of historical sales data, statistical data or optimal values already specified for individual stores.


Comarch Retail system allows for the full automation of replenishment processes in a chain of stores. Built-in Business Intelligence and Business Process Management modules allow stock levels of individual stores to be automatically controlled. On the basis of data referring to rotation of items, required minimal stock levels or current sales value, optimal distribution of resources is calculated and item movements to particular stores are generated. This allows for, among others, disposing of overstocked items in stores and replenishing resources in the stores where such items are frequently sold.


When items are sold in a lot of stores, there is a need to appropriately distribute these items and move them between stores. When the stock level of given merchandise is lower than required in a particular store and it is overstocked in another, having that item transferred is the optimal solution. In the Comarch Retail system, it is possible to fully automate such processes, based on BPM tools and expected algorithms. Current stock levels are tracked on an ongoing basis and warehouse movement documents are automatically generated.


Inventory is a standard activity performed by each trade enterprise. It can be carried out in two ways – some companies process stocktaking on their own while others take advantage of services provided by external companies or dedicated inventory teams. The Comarch Retail system allows for executing inventory in any way – including the use of mobile devices by taking advantage of Comarch WMS or Comarch ERP Inventory. 

Warehouse logistics

A very important aspect of enterprise operation, particularly in retail networks, is optimal distribution of items in warehouses, defining and handling of deliveries, movements, releases and inventories. Depending on available storage space or ownership of the warehouses (own or rented warehouses), such processes may be carried out in a different way. It is also important to note whether a given company purchases or manufactures the products it sells and with which carriers it cooperates with in terms of transport. All of these issues, and many more, can be handled with the use of Comarch WMS, which is an integral part of the Comarch Retail platform.

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