More than half of Communications Service Provider (CSP) executives are keen to adopt industry standards for BSS/OSS business processes and architecture, according to research released this week.

Of 100 senior executives surveyed by research firm Vanson Bourne, 56 per cent estimated that the adoption of existing standards would free up between 1-16 per cent of their annual IT budgets. According to the report, budget reduction, lower integration costs and increased operational agility could be achieved through better adherence to industry standards.

Piotr Machnik, business development centre director at Comarch, says that service providers have often taken the approach of using a mixture of commercial off-the-shelf applications (COTS) and bespoke/in-house developed software, leading to the creation of “isolated software silo architectures…that have to be broken down in order to keep up with market requirements to offer many services at a very fast pace. Integrating BSS/OSS environments is the answer.”

Whole article can be found at >>