RB-16-2010 Petition of BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. (Investment Funds)

Pursuant to &38 sec. 1 pt. 4) and 5) of the Regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on the 19th of February, 2009, concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange and on the conditions for recognizing the equivalence of information required by legal regulations binding in a country which is not a member state, the Management Board of ComArch S.A. announces that it received a petition from BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. (Investment Funds), a shareholder representing at least 1/20 of the share capital, to include a specific issue in the agenda of the next General Meeting and to announce a notion of resolution related to issues which will be included in the agenda.

BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. declared that:

“Herewith, BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A., according to art. 4 of the Act on Investment Funds (2004 Journal of Laws, No. 146, item 1546 with subsequent changes), acting on behalf of Arka BZ WBK Shares Open Investment Fund with investment fund number RFi 29, which confirms, for the purposes of this petition, holdings of 403,000 (in words: four hundred and three thousand) Comarch S.A. shares (5.01 % in share capital), pursuant to art. 401 § 1 and § 4 of the Commercial Companies Code (2000 Journal of Laws, No. 94, item 1037 with subsequent changes; “KSH”) and due to art. 395 § 2 pt 2) of the KSH, we demand for inclusion in the agenda of the next Comarch S.A. shareholders’ meeting:

- “passing a resolution on amendments to the Statute of Comarch S.A.”;
and we present the notion of a resolution to the compulsory paragraph of the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders regarding the distribution of net profit of the company in the financial year 1.01.2009 - 31.12.2009.

As one of the core shareholders of Comarch S.A., we want to grant the company the possibility to complete the current managerial options programme for key employees of the company and offer the possibility of commencing a new programme. In relation to the expiration of the current authorization on the 27th of June, 2010, we regard it as justified, to once again grant authorization for the Management Board to increase the share capital of the appropriate amount in frames of target capital. In our opinion, target capital should be limited compared with the current regulation in the Statute - this amount should not exceed the 400 thousand PLN (which corresponds to 400 thousand shares - circa 5% of the current share capital). We think that it is the appropriate value in order to complete the current incentive programme and in order to use other shares as part of the new programme. Assuming a 3-year duration period of the potential new programme, on average 100 thousand shares can be issued annually, justifiable considering the emission of 91,041 shares when executing the programme in 2009.

With reference to the above, we propose the following changes to the Comarch S.A. Statute:
Change in Art. 9 sec. 3 
- Current text: "Up until 27 June 2010, the Management Board is authorized to increase the share capital by the amount of 1,100,000.00 PLN (in words: one million one hundred thousand) (the target capital)."
- Proposed text: "Up until … June 2013, the Management Board is authorized to increase the share capital by the amount of 400,000.00 PLN (in words: four hundred thousand) (the target capital)."
Change in art. 9 sec. 4 
- Current text: “The Management Board may execute the authorization referred to in Para 3 by way of one or several consecutive increases in the share capital within the limits set forth in Para 3.”
- Proposed text: “The Management Board may execute the authorization referred to in Para 3 by way of one or several consecutive increases in the share capital within the limits set forth in Para 3. The target capital may be used only in order to grant shares to the company’s employees in frames of the managerial options programme passed by the General Meeting.”

Additionally, BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. presented the draft of the resolution regarding distribution of net profit for the fiscal year 1.01.2009 - 31.12.2009 and its justification:
“RESOLUTION NUMBER … of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of ComArch S.A. dated … June 2010 regarding distribution of net profit for the fiscal year 1.01.2009 - 31.12.2009
Acting on the basis of art. 395  § 2 pt. 2 of the Commercial Companies’ Code, General Meeting resolves the following:

§ 1. The General Shareholder’s Meeting has decided that for the fiscal year 1 January 2009 -31 December 2009 net profit earned to the amount of … PLN (in writing: …) will be passed on:
a) Payment of the dividend for the company’s shareholders to the amount of 16 103 274 PLN (sixteen million one hundred three thousand two hundred seventy-four zlotys), i.e. 2.00 PLN per 1 share.
b) Supplementary capital to the amount of … PLN.
§ 2. The right to the dividend settlements according to the ComArch S.A. shareholding structure as of the 14th July, 2010.
§ 3. The payment of the dividend will take place on the 28th of July, 2010.
§ 4. This resolution comes into force on the date it is passed.

In our opinion, the company’s financial situation is healthy and allows for the payment of the dividend, at a minimum, at the proposed amount, which constitutes slightly in excess of 30% of the profit generated by the company in 2009. According to the consolidated annual report, the balance sheet of the company indicates a quite conservative structure of financing. The liabilities/equity ratio amounts to 0.61. In our opinion, the payment of such an amount will not pose any threat to the liquidity of the company. At the same time, according to the balance sheet for 2009, the company displays net cash (cash and cash equivalents minus credit and loans) to the amount of 109.1 million PLN. Therefore, the payment of the dividend will cause no reason for the occurrence of any extra liabilities. The payment of such an amount does not contradict the investment plans of the company. We believe that gradual alteration of the company’s financing structure towards an increase in use of the external capital will enable diminishing the cost of capital and improving the rate on equity (ROE), and this should lead to an increase in the company’s value."