List of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board of Comarch S.A.
1. Mrs. Elżbieta Filipiak,
2. Mr. Maciej Brzeziński,
3. Mrs. Danuta Drobniak,
4. Mr. Wojciech Kucharzyk,
5. Mrs. Anna Ławrynowicz,
6. Mrs. Anna Pruska.
Current CVs of candidates (138kB)
List of candidates for members of the Management Board of Comarch S.A.
1. Mr. Janusz Filipiak for the post of President of the Management Board,
2. Mr. Piotr Piątosa for the post of Vice-President of the Management Board,
3. Mr. Paweł Prokop for the post of Vice-President of the Management Board,
4. Mr. Piotr Reichert for the post of Vice-President of the Management Board,
5. Mr. Zbigniew Rymarczyk for the post of Vice-President of the Management Board,
6. Mr. Konrad Tarański for the post of Vice-President of the Management Board,
7. Mr. Marcin Warwas for the post of Vice-President of the Management Board.
Current CVs of candidates are available at: