Comarch Telemedicine Cloud
Comarch Telemedicine Cloud is an open cloud platform that enables remote monitoring of patients. All information from systems, applications, and measuring devices is transferred to the Comarch e-Care platform, then analyzed and made available to medical personnel. Thus, the process of diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis is optimized and coordinated. What is more, some services are transferred outside medical facilities. Comarch Telemedicine Cloud is a flexible and scalable solution that allows existing elements to be modified and new devices, procedures, and operation schemes to be added.

Examples of use of Telemedicine Cloud

Comarch e-Care platform

The basis of Telemedicine Cloud is the Comarch e-Care platform, which receives and processes medical data. Analysis is based on implemented learning algorithms (AI), which immediately mark irregularities even in an immense amount of information. The Comarch e-Care platform also enables online consultations and remote descriptions of test results, significantly increasing access to high-quality medical services.

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Ecosystem of products for healthcare

Comarch Healthcare offers a comprehensive ecosystem of products, consisting of EHR, Telemedicine, Hospital and Medical AI Clouds. Integration of these platforms ensures coordinated healthcare, and supports patients, their families, and medical personnel.

Comarch Telemedicine Cloud benefits

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