Comarch Telemonitoring in Italian nursing home

In September 2018 Comarch Healthcare Italia signed an agreement with T-Medic Srl, an Italian company dedicated to managing nursing homes, to provide telemonitoring services to their patients with e-Care platform and integrated medical devices.

In particular, a new telemonitoring service was started at “La Serenità” nursing home in Nerola, close to Rome. This project’s final goal is to extend such service to a wider network of nursing homes in the region, also thanks to the cooperation with local physicians and general practitioners.

Comarch provided to healthcare professionals different medical devices to monitor patients’ vital signs on a daily basis:

  • Comarch SMA (tablet with application);
  • Pulse oximetry;
  • Glucometer;
  • Blood pressure monitor;
  • ECG PMA.

Monitored vital signs are saturation, glycemia, blood pressure and cardiac activity. Data are transmitted real time to the web-based monitoring platform and analyzed by healthcare professionals directly at the nursing home. 

In critical events, data are analyzed directly on e-Care application also by a physician, who can monitor remotely patients’ state of health and intervene promptly in case of exacerbation or worsening of the whole clinical picture.

Periodically, a report with all monitored vital signs is extracted and given to patients’ relatives.

"We are glad about this new cooperation with T-Medic and nursing home “La Serenità”. Telemonitoring is the best system to monitor elderly people’s vital signs constantly, safely and easily. We hope that we can extend this service in the whole region because it is very useful for nursing homes but above all for patients and their families" – says Enrica Greco, Project Manager Comarch Healthcare Italia.

"Thanks to Comarch Healthcare’s innovative offer for telemonitoring and telecardiology solutions, we are satisfied with first results in “La Serenità” nursing home. In particular, we are increasing health protection of our guests and while registering a very positive response from their relatives" – adds Matteo Floridi, CEO at T-Medic.

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