Outsourcing services to third-party providers allows organizations to reduce costs and extend their service capabilities. With outsourced resources, the service business may not only serve customers cost-effectively, but will also be more flexible and prepared for changing demand for services.
However, to ensure outstanding service for clients, external service workers should be managed effectively, and the tasks they perform should be monitored and controlled.
Do you want to learn more about the Comarch FSM solution? Order a free demo!
Comarch’s workforce management software allows simple cooperation with third-party service providers. A dedicated module, with features such as adding sub-contractors, organization structures, resources, service regions and work types enables effective external workforce management. Using this tool lets sub-contractors improve the performance of their workforce. Tasks are assigned automatically, based on configured rules. When your service partners operate in the same region, you can also define priorities to avoid unnecessary communication problems.
Extending service capabilities calls for more attention to monitoring external field staff’s task performance. However, with many sub-contractors in different regions, controlling task execution is far more complicated. To simplify this process, Comarch Field Service Management provides full visibility of the outsourced workers’ performance. With set KPIs, you control SLA compliance and measure external technicians’ performance. With these features, you have access to real-time information about how external providers perform.
To maintain the high quality of service delivery you need client feedback, especially when you decide to use outsourced resources. With easily configurable audit forms in Comarch FSM, clients answer survey questions on a mobile app and you are updated about the quality of the performed tasks. With this feature, you have control over external field service employees, and you can deliver top service using the sub-contractors’ resources.
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